Notes on morherhood: part 2

 I am a mother to an almost toddler now...what the hell!?

My darling girl is 10 months old, 5 months on since my last entry. Boy what a 10 months it's been! 

She is now crawling, cruising and saying a few words. Her first word was Mama, but her fave word is Dada. She has the most wonderful sunshine smile I could have wished for. She is my little bit friend. Even on her most demanding days and there are many, I can't help but love her. She still isn't sleeping through,  none of my sisters had good sleepers either.

I still struggle with post natal anxiety. I feel lost in my position as a SAHM some days and wonder what could have been. Then I'm reminded of how lucky I truly am to be in this position. Motherhood is truly a roller coaster that never ends.

Some days it's easy, like the happy family pictures you see on the Internet. Most days it's hard, especially with the tantrums and no sleep. No sleep will drive you mad.

I feel like I am beginning to find the Mum me...or MILF me. Slowly but surely.

Love you all,

Blue x


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