Waiting for a star to fall

These past few weeks have been about celebrating turning 29 and getting back into the flow of working life. Something has shifted within me since my 29th birthday, and I'm not quite sure what it is. The week before my birthday I was filled with this immense feeling of happiness and gratitude for my life. I felt free, excited and happy where I am at. Children didn't effect me, going to a park didn't shift my mood. I hope it's here to stay.

I keep having dreams about being pregnant lately or having a baby. The other day in my dream we had a one year old girl who was so adorable. I was carrying her around our home, which in my dream wasn't our home that we're in now, and just smiling. I asked my husband where we got her from, "Did we adopt her? Did I give birth to her?" I asked him, he was just as puzzled as I was. I took care of her, bathed her before bed time and carefully styled her black hair into ponytails. It was a surreal dream.

Last night I dreamt I was five months pregnant, and didn't even know. My stomach was sticking out and I went to the doctors. The doctor did a scan and said "Congratulations you are pregnant!" I was in shock, I looked at the screen and there was a baby in my belly. I said "But I had periods! I've been drinking!" The doctor said the baby was fine, and sent me on my way with the scan photo.  I showed my husband and those at work who were all shocked. I didn't need the IVF after all! I rubbed my belly in disbelief, I then took a pregnancy test because I wanted to see a positive result for the first time. It was negative, I rushed back to the doctor for another scan and there was baby still there. I said "I don't get it! Is it normal to get a negative test when you're five months along?" The doctor said something weird to me before I woke up, "You're already a mother, just because you can't see your baby yet it doesn't mean your baby isn't waiting for you." She then printed off the picture, sent me on my way and I woke up.

Today my period's due. The dreams are making me turn into phase one whacko and wanting to take a pregnancy test. I know that my period probably will come, I've had my usual signs and symptoms. I just hope it doesn't torture me by being late again!

If you've had any weird dreams lately, I'd love to hear them!

Love you all,

Blue moon girl xx


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