And just like that, it's 3 years on

 Holy crap guys! Where has the time gone?! Lockdown came and went. I now have a wonderful toddler running around.

Honestly, if I could go back to the IVF/ICSI/FET and postpartum me I'd tell her. "It all worked out." Because it really, really has. I've found myself in motherhood and grown confident in what works for me.

My daughter is an adorable, brave and inquisitive 3 year old. She absolutely adores nursery and she surprises me everyday. I cannot stress how much I love this age. Her wonder, her mind and her chubby toddler hands. Honestly, I just love and cherish her with all my being. 

She is gaining more independence which is bitter sweet. Still doesn't sleep through but that's something I've got use to. 

I am also now a working MILF. I love using my skills and having that time for me. It also allows me to have extra money to spoil her wrotten!

I had a lot of ideas on what a "great Mum" should look like. It wasn't til I listened to a podcast that Shay Mitchell was on that I realised something. To be a great Mum, I had to feel complete and happy in my life. Lead by example. It's no good running yourself into the ground and having nothing for yourself. You then have nothing to give to anyone around you, yet alone your own child.

I'm still by no means an expert, I'm still learning. But now I'm learning tondo things at my pace and on my terms. 


Blue moon girl xx


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