The final countdown

Next week is our information counselling, I believe this is the step right before or start of the whole IVF cycle. I don't really know what to expect,  but from what I've read they will talk us through in detail about it all and what we need to do. I am shitting it.

Every time we have an appointment, something has gone wrong or we have had a set back. I am so nervous for this to be the case again. I haven't been great lately, not sleeping much and eating very little. Every time I have tried to eat a proper meal this week I have felt like throwing up. I do suffer with anxiety, and this is a really anxious time for me. I am so scared too walk in and for them to say "Sorry, we have to abandon this cycle." Or "We can do it we just need to do another op." I can't handle anymore set backs on my journey to my baby.

 Also, I am still working full time with children even though I have requested to reduce my hours. There are tons of germs and illnesses flying around our setting at the moment. Not ideal when you are about to begin IVF and ICSI. I tried not to scream and run out the door when our head started a slideshow displaying what illness were lurking through the corridors. I went home and cried that day, how can I be exposed to all this and begin the process?

I am sick, and this is my treatment for my illness. Sometimes I don't think people get that, they think "Oh you're going to have a baby." Then when they hear what we have to go through the colour drains from their faces.  If I walked in every day with a broken arm, people would be quick to say "What are you doing here go home!" But people can't read your mind, or know you're in pain. My womb has been hurting due to endo, and normally I'd try to carry on but it worries me now. I need to be in the best shape possible. Mentally and physically.

I need time for myself, and I'm hopeful I'll get the help I need soon. I need to be preparing healthy meals, relaxing, living my life the best way I can.

I ask the question again, how do you cope with a work life balance when trying to create a life?


Blue moon girl


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