Things that help
During these dark times of life I like to try and remind myself of the good things going on. That seldom works so here's a list of stuff that kind of made me crack a smile.
- Ru Paul's Drag Race- If you need a break from watching youtubers talking about their DPO's and IVF treatment this is for you! Ru Paul has some great quotes to live by, some have helped me through my journey. The Queens are fabulous and so amazing to watch. The comedy factor and bitchiness is a nice distraction from my life. You can find the series on Netflix!
- People Bringing Gifts- Now it may seem odd to you when people give you gifts for your infertility journey. Personally I didn't realise how much a simple gift would help perk me up pre and post procedures. My sisters made me a hamper to pamper myself through my journey, friends bought me flowers, another friend made me a pamper hamper for my procedure. These little tokens are much appreciated and show that people are there for you. There are some amazing IVF and infertility related products you can find on Amazon too. Little notebooks with "IVF got this" and "Mama in the making." I'm getting the mama in the making notebook. It's nice to have little themed gifts and if you're stuck on what to get a friend for Christmas they'd probably love it.
- Pink Parcel- When the red demon, aka your period, rears their ugly mug it is such a slap in the face. Pink parcel is a subscription box for your period. It comes with a snack, hot drink plus make up and sanitary towels. I don't let myself open the box until the bitch arrives so it's a nice treat for me. I have stopped the box now to save money but am thinking of re subscribing as it really did help.
- Counselling- Hear me out here, if you're sick you go to a doctor and take your meds. If your mind is effed you need to go see a counsellor. They help you talk through what you're going through and are there to listen. I have been before and think I will start to go again. You can find fertility related counsellors too who specialise in this field.
- Documentaries- There are some brilliant infertility journey's documented on Netlflix right now. One being 'vegas baby' a story about couples winning a round of IVF treatment. It actually happened for real! My personal fave is one more shot, not one last shot which I accidently told my sister about. One more shot follows a couple through their IVF and infertility journey. The couple also meet other couples who struggled conceiving. It's a tear jerker, there are so many moments you can relate to. So make sure you have a cup of tea, snacks and a box of tissues at the ready.
- Talking- I honestly don't know how I'd cope now if I hadn't been open and honest about my journey with everyone around me. Sometimes just talking and having someone listen is the biggest relief. I kind of feel like at times I shouldn't talk about it too much or like people are busy and I can't call them. But I can call them and they're always happy to talk to me. Not wanting to talk about it is fine too.
- Practicing Gratitude- We haven't got a child, but there is so much we do have. It's easy to get caught up at looking at what you can't have or don't have. You're constantly told this or that is being taken away from you. How you thought you'd fall pregnant, how you'd announce your baby instead of how you're trying and how you'll give birth sometimes. It's nice to look at your life and write down five things everyday you are grateful for.
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