A letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I must admit, I am not a long time writer to you. I don't think I ever wrote you a letter, even as a child I was sceptical of your existence. I guess I had never wanted anything that much that compelled me to write to you. You see, times have changed and I am hoping you could help us.

 What I want for Christmas can't be kept in a neatly wrapped box, unless you want social services involved. The stork that usually delivers these gifts got lost and couldn't find our address. The stars we wished upon have faded to answer another prayer. Offerings to the Gods have been blown by the wind to other places. No, what we long for can't be bought at John Lewis or any other retailer. Though it could probably be bought through the black market, but we want to avoid that route.

 You see Santa, or do you prefer Saint Nick? What we long for is a baby. A healthy lovely baby to call our own. I understand this is a big ask as you're very busy this time of year, but if you could help us get our baby that would be great. In return we will grow our child up with a solid belief in Santa Claus. We will scatter oats for the reindeers, leave you mice pies and milk or a small bottle of moet if you wish. We will even go as far as buying one of those ridiculously large keys to leave by the door so you can come in unannounced whenever the feeling arises. We will greet you with open arms and our child will gaze in wonder.

 This Christmas as we go shopping for some decorations and watch the parents excitedly show their little ones glittering baubles, our hearts won't hurt. Instead we will keep faith that you have received this letter and are well on your way to helping us. As we pour the mulled wine and settle to watch Krampus, our Christmas film of choice we will excitedly say "This could be the last Christmas we do this as two!" And we will believe it.  As families take their children to visit Santa's grotto and we get invited to tag along, maybe we won't decline as we know your gift is coming. The deep painful longing will subside and we can be brave. Sorry to get deep there! You get the gist!

  We promise to look after our baby once it is here, a baby is not just for Christmas! We will help our little one grow into a decent human being with deep beliefs and traditions. Hopefully, they will grow to be a child that you can say you proudly helped to achieve. What they choose to do when they're 18 years and live away is beyond us though, so don't get pissed at  us if they do some questionable things then.

 Now, we understand that when children hit the age of two they can appear faulty. Kicking, screaming, projectile vomiting and acting possessed. I admit our patience may be tested, but we will never say "Why did we ask for a baby for Christmas?" We will know this phase will pass. Who knows! We may even ask for another!

So Santa, I hope this letter finds you well and you can somehow help us with our Christmas wish. We will leave you some whisky and a mince pie as a bribe this Christmas,

Yours Sincerely,
Blue moon girl


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